Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Fairytale Forest

A few posts ago I left you all with a teaser.

I told you how Jacob and I had hiked up to a place called the "Valley of the Snakes" and flipped out over how surreal it was. It was all too much beauty for my camera as well, which subsequently went on the fritz and wiped all the pictures as soon as we got home.

So we went back. But now we knew what we were getting in to, so we went prepared to do a photo shoot. I lugged two extra pairs of shoes and 2 changes of clothing in a backpack, trying my very hardest not to sweat on the hike up. No one wants to look shiny during a photo shoot.

We got to the forest, and, if possible, it was more magical than before. This is the type of place that only grows more beautiful the more you see it.

It is an "old growth forest", where nature has been left unchecked and uncontrolled. Here, you can find ant hills that are taller than you, and fern forests that look prehistoric. You could probably also find trolls under bridges and unicorns in distant meadows if you looked closely.

The one downside is that where nature is left unchecked, the bugs are also left unchecked. If you stand in any one place too long, you will be overrun by gigantic ants. Just imagine that going on as we tried our best to look like models.

Enough with the talking. Here are some pictures.


  1. Chelsea and Jacob,

    I am really enjoying this blog. You guys are having one major adventure and its awesome to see all the things you get to do. That forest looks incredible.

    1. Thanks Bryant! I am glad you are enjoying keeping up with us!

  2. Love, love, love, love LOVE. Scenery, outfits, everything. I miss you lots! Just waiting on an invitation to Sweden...or a note that you're back in San Diego; one of our good friends is out there now! Keep the gorgeous, mouth-watering posts coming :)

    1. So good to hear from you Jen! Thank you for your kind words - feel free to come out to Sweden! ;) But if it's more convenient, we can do San Diego too! I would LOVE that!

  3. Thank you for giving my imagination a work out. Lovely.

  4. Chelsea, this is beautiful! How do we find it from Stockholm (and the lake and the bakery). We're hoping to move to Stockholm for a few years and want to see and do as much as possible. Thanks for sharing your adventures!
