Monday, July 14, 2014

Back In The Nest

I'm going to state something really obvious: Moving to a foreign country is a lot of work. Moving in itself is exhausting, but when your new home lies thousands of miles away and includes a language barrier, things get a lot more daunting. 
With our plane departing in 23 days, we are in the thick of it right now. 

We've miraculously been able to pare down our things into a small stack of relatively manageable boxes for packing and shipping. Whatever doesn't make it into our suitcases now will stay in storage or arrive on our doorstep in a couple month's time. It's remarkable how, even when trying to live a minimalist lifestyle, stuff accumulates so fast. Packing is always fun until I get to the inevitable last smattering of miscellaneous stuff that I don't want but can't throw out. 

Read more at Where You Wander!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Introducing Where You Wander!

In the meantime, I am thrilled to launch my new website, Where You Wander. Where You Wander is a mix of all the things I love, and love to share: travel, food, and good stories. Bookmark this page, and check back regularly (daily!) for news, blog posts, travel tips, featured stories, and recipes. 

For those of you who followed our blog back when Jacob and I were traveling, this site is the snazzy revamped version for our new adventure. What is that new adventure you ask?

Jacob and I are moving to Vienna, Austria!

As of August 6th, Jacob and I will be leaving California to continue our life adventure as we move to Vienna, Austria. Throughout our 6 months of travel in Europe we had "scouted" for a place we may want to settle down (for however long). Though we stayed in Vienna for the shortest time of any place we visited, the city instantly made an impression on both of us - one we haven't been able to shake in the two years since. 

Enter your email address as well to sign up for email updates whenever a new post is published. Also make sure to follow me on Twitter and Instagram at @wywander for daily Travel Tip tweets and photos from our day to day in Vienna. I am looking forward to sharing our experiences and stories with you, and hope you will join us for what promises to be an incredible journey!  

Sunday, July 6, 2014

A New Adventure

Hello world!

It's been a long silence, and many of you are probably wondering what in the world Jacob and I are up to. Well - I'm happy to announce that big things are very, very close on the horizon! The big announcement is coming tomorrow morning at 11:00 AM, PST.

In the meantime, mosey on over to my new site, Where You Wander, for news, travel tips, stories, and recipes. This blog will still get it's updates, but Where You Wander will be the home of all the action.

The big announcement is coming tomorrow, so hang on tight!