Thursday, March 7, 2013

Announcement of a Project

Jacob and I have been back in the States for just over a month now.

Our homecoming was a sweet time. While we loved our time in Europe and would miss it dearly, we were so excited to come back to our friends and families who we hadn't seen in so long. For that alone, it has been wonderful to be back.

In the meanwhile, we are adjusting into our lives in San Diego, sorting through boxes of things that had been packed away and settling back into a working schedule.

One of the exciting parts of this new routine is the chance to work on a project I've had flickering around the edges of my mind for some while.

I've received so much overwhelming support and praise for this blog that I've decided to trying doing something about it: I am writing a book!

I've collected a great swath of recipes from our travels, not to mention countless stories and pictures (some of which you have read and seen here). I'm taking everyone on their word who has said "you should write a book!" and I'm going to try it.

Let me know if you are interested in the book, and what sorts of things you would like to see in it! I find it helpful to gauge what people are looking for.

Personally, I am surprised that anyone would be interested in having a book of my photographs and ramblings, but for now I'm chalking that up to the fact that I'm a harsh critic of my own work.

Along with the book I will be holding two Art Shows in the San Diego area where I will have prints of our best travel photography. You will also have a chance to look over and pre-order the book at the art show if you are interested.

Look for the dates for those art shows soon! (Most likely they will be held in late April or early May).

Friends, I will keep you posted as things progress - I am hoping this blog will not go silent just because Jacob and I are home now. :)


  1. This makes me all sorts of happy. :)

    Dooooo eeeeettt!

  2. This is wonderful Chels!
    Thoughts about a book of the sort that you are explaining (sounds like a combination of recipes with travel stories, and obviously photos)...
    If you are including specific recipes, also include general inspiration/techniques for cooking and baking based on your experience.
    Obviously Photos are the BEST, and so inspirational.
    Also, if you're going there, both specific and general tips on traveling and planning travels (financial tips ALWAYS needed) would be widely appreciated, I think.
    Wish I could be around for your art shows!

  3. Very cool! I think making it like a scrap book, very personal with doodles, ticket stubs, handwriting etc along with recipes and photos would make it engaging and personable (thinking of "the selby is in your space").

  4. I think you should include all of my oohings and aah-ings about the pictures during your travels. I'm sure it would add a touch of realism. jk. sign me up.

  5. ***The selby is in your PLACE, oops
